RTP Event

I attended a meet-up RTP where I had the opportunity to meet a well-known QA expert and influencer. 

The QA community at the Rave Test Party. I’m glad to see all three here. Naveen Khunteta, Mukesh Otwani & Sanjay Kumar

One enlightening takeaway from the event emphasized the call for automated infrastructure to back the advancement and prosperity of automation testing. The effectiveness of automation testing relies on having the right tools, technologies, protocols, and resources.

A particular highlight of the session was listening to the “Welcome to Naveen automation lab” live hosted by Naveen Kunteta, which revealed valuable insights into how automation can be implemented effectively in real-world scenarios.

Sanjay Kumar with a newly developed tool, Mukesh Otwani with a GitHubHub Action session. 

The meetup in Ahmedabad provided a great opportunity to network with fellow testing professionals and learn from field experts.

I’m grateful for attending this event to learn about upcoming features, upcoming tools.  Thank you so much for organizing such a fantastic conference in the QA community and allowing me to meet legends.

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